Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Three Months of Progress

The next 3 months went pretty much according to plan. The only snafu happened when I went to Florida for a week during Christmas. I was able to get a few workouts in during the week but not as much as I would have liked. Nutrition was mediocre as well. One evening I ended up eating way too much Jamaican food and spent the better part of the night puking up my insides. But as soon as I was home I got back on track.

The workouts were a basic 4 day split:
Monday- chest/triceps
Tuesday- legs
Thursday- shoulders/calves
Friday- back/biceps

Abs 3x per week
Interval training 2x per week for 20 min

I would do about 3 exercises per body part working biggest to smallest. 3-4 sets per exercise with the rep ranges varying on each exercise and switching every week.
That's it! Very basic. The key is consistency over time and having a proper diet to support the workouts.
Most people don't make progress because
1) Their workouts are random (not planned and recorded)
2) They are inconsistent
3) Their nutrition is not precise

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